> 春节2024 > 过年了该干点啥呢英语





Chinese New Year is approaching, and families in China will engage in various preparation work before the festival. This includes thorough cleaning of their houses, making arrangements for decorations, and organizing family gatherings.


In English, \"在春节你学会做什么?\" can be translated as \"What have you learned to do during the Spring Festival?\" During this festive time, many people take the opportunity to learn new skills, such as cooking traditional dishes, making handicrafts, or playing traditional Chinese instruments.


When asked about what people usually do during the Spring Festival, an appropriate answer in English would be: \"During the Spring Festival, people usually engage in various activities such as having a big reunion dinner with their families, exchanging red envelopes filled with money as a symbol of good luck, setting off fireworks to celebrate, and watching the grand televised Spring Festival Gala.\"


The Spring Festival is approaching, and my parents and I have planned a trip to Beijing. We will be traveling to the capital city by train, which will allow us to enjoy the beautiful scenery along the way. We are excited to explore the historical sites, taste the local delicacies, and experience the unique customs and traditions of Beijing. We will be staying there for about a week to make the most of our visit.


Spring Festival Is Coming

My family is preparing for the upcoming Spring Festival. We are busy cleaning the house, decorating it with red lanterns and couplets, and shopping for new clothes. My mom is preparing delicious traditional dishes, while my dad is setting off firecrackers in the backyard. I am excited to receive red envelopes from my relatives and to spend quality time with my family during this festive time.


In the winter holiday, I am looking forward to having a great time. I plan to spend time with my family, catch up on my favorite books and movies, and maybe even travel to a new destination if it is safe to do so. I will also take this opportunity to learn a new skill or hobby, such as painting or playing a musical instrument. Overall, I want to make the most out of this peaceful and festive season.


If someone asks you, \"What do you usually do during the Spring Festival?\" in English, an appropriate response would be: \"During the Spring Festival, I usually spend time with my family, visit relatives and friends, exchange gifts and good wishes, and enjoy delicious traditional food. It is a time for celebration, reflection, and creating happy memories with loved ones.\"


If asked about what you have done during the Spring Festival, you can answer in English as follows:

  1. I visited my grandparents to show them my love and respect.
  2. I spent some quality time with my family, playing games and watching TV together.
  3. I received red envelopes from relatives, which was a delightful surprise.
  4. I indulged in delicious festive food, enjoying the unique flavors and specialties of the season.
  5. I appreciated the festive decorations and the lively atmosphere that fills the streets during the Spring Festival.


If asked about what you did last spring festival, you can answer in English:

  1. What did you do last spring festival?
    • We visited our relatives and spent quality time catching up with them.
  2. Will it be rainy tomorrow?
    • I think it might rain tomorrow. The weather forecast indicates a high chance of rainfall.


Composition 1: It\'s six o\'clock in the morning. Everyone is engaged in various activities.

Ben is taking some photos of the beautiful sunrise to capture the peaceful ambiance of the early morning.