> 奥运百科 > 我想参加奥运会用英语怎么说


摘要:我非常激动.我希望参加奥运会的开幕式,也希望参加闭幕式....The Olympic game will come right away,I am very excited.I hope the opening ceremony that attend the Olympic game,and al。



The Olympic game will come right away,I am very excited.I hope the opening ceremony that attend the Olympic game,and also the hope attend。

参加奥运会用take part in join join in为什么?

take part in 或 join in join一般+团体/俱乐部/党派 take part it一般+游戏/运动会 take part in=join in take part in 或 join in join一般+团体/俱乐部/。


1.今天我想步行去体育场,因为比赛9点开始.I want to walk to the stadium,for the match is scheduled to begin at 9:00.2.让我们为2008年北京奥运。

参加する 出ます 入ります 出場する_沪江网校知识库

出場 する的意思是:(1)出场,参加。(演技、競技をするために、その場所に出ること。)1. 出場資格をとる/取得出场资格。2.出場者/参加者;到场的。3。


I think,as the 2008 Olympics being held in Beijing,all kinds of sports will get people's attention. I think,as the 2008 Olympics being he。

英语翻译翻译下列句子:1.我将参加女子接力赛跑.I( )( ) ( ) ...

翻译下列句子:1.我将参加女子接力赛跑.I( will )( join ) ( in ) the ( women's )relay race.I( will )( participate ) ( in )the( women's ) rela。

“我想成为一名奥运小记者 ”英语怎么说! - 雨露学习互助

I want to become an Olympic Games young reporte


I'm looking forward to watching the Olympic Games and cheering for the athletes. 附:一楼的同志有4处错误: (1)look forward to doing sth (2)。


1.he tells us his team is the No.202.I told him I want to enter the Olympics one day in the futrue.3.He said we should always trying to n。

明天我要前往伦敦 I am ( )London tommorrow - 雨露学习互助

going to这是一般将来时的一种说法be going to do还有一种是will do