> 奥运百科 > 我踢足球英语怎么说


摘要:我不打篮球,我踢足球.---- ----playing basketball,I play f...i dont play basketball,i play football.我也踢足球用英语怎么说?我也踢足球。 译:I can play football, too./I also play fo。


我不打篮球,我踢足球.---- ----playing basketball,I play f...

i don't play basketball,i play football.


我也踢足球。 译:I can play football, too./I also play football. 我也踢足球。译:I can play football, too./I also play football.

1.我踢足球不是很好.为什么I play soccer isn't very well ...

1,i'm not good at playing football.2,都说是tell sb not to do sth咯,那当然是 he tells me not to watch TV3,make sb+adj使某人…… 简单句型之。

my hobby is playing football为什么动词要加ing?

原句书写不规范。第一个字母要大写,句末要用句号。所以这个句子应该是:My hobby is playing football.我的爱好是踢足球。再说为什么动词要加ing的问题。在这。


I play football ,but i don't play basketball.


Yesterday afternoon,I played football with my friends in the rain.


I like playing football. 乐器前要加the,如play the piano/the violin. 球类前则不加,如play football/basketball/volleyball/ping-pong. I like playing fo。


有下面几种表达方式都是表示“我喜欢踢足球”: 1、I like playing football/soccer. 2、I am fond of playing football/soccer. 3、I enjoy playing football。


我通常踢足球:Iusuallyplayfootball.Iusuallyplaysoccer.我经常踢足球:Ioftenplayfootball.Ioftenplaysoccer. ToTottiequallyplaysthesoccer play 。

我想要踢足球 用英语怎么说 三 种表达方法

I can't play football. I am not football player. I don't konw how to play football. football也可以换成soccer,一个美式一个英式的~ I can't 。